Friday, August 3, 2012

This is the title

Would you like photo’s added to the header?

Yes. I like what you did on the test site.

Are there any blog designs that you love? Send me their url's and let me know what you like! - love the header pic style - love the header font (can’t find it on my Microsoft word so I just listed some others I liked) - love the banner - colors

What colours do you like? Is there one specific colour that you would like to be prominent? If you're not sure, let me know if you like bright, neutral, or soft. 
I like pastel colors – soft yellows, soft sage greens, lavenders.

Do you have any fonts that you’d like me to use? 
I like these but I’m not married to them. They’re just the best I could find in my array of fonts from my Microsoft Word program on my iMac. I’m open to others. I like fonts that look a little bit like stylized handwriting if that makes any sense.

Not your average ferris wheel – chalkduster
Not your average ferris wheel –noteworthy
Not your average ferris wheel – papyrus
Not your average ferris wheel – marker felt

What type of background would you like to see (patterned or background)?
I’ve always wanted something to do with a ferris wheel, but I could never find the right appropriate background that didn’t seem too busy. If not that, then plain white on a soft pastel color (like megan’s musings).

Would you like any social media buttons? (twitter, pinterest, facebook, etc.)
Twitter is great, but I don’t want my personal facebook page hooked up.  I’m paranoid students will find me and I want to be left alone!
Maybe I should create a separate blog page for my blog? Then I could hook that up. I don’t do pinterest. Could I do instagram?

Do you want a two or three column blog design? 
Two, but if it’s necessary to do 3 for what I want that’s fine too. It just always seemed like the text in the posts got too squished when I tried three.

Do you want a traditional header (top of page, across width of blog) or a sidebar “header?” (mine is an example of a sidebar header). 
I like the traditional header.

Sidebar titles (if any): 
I’d like to keep the categories if that’s possible, unless I can put that on a separate page.  I know it takes up a lot of space, but I can see through sitemeter that people sometimes use it as a resource to look at specific topics.

I’d like to keep the blogs I devour part too, but I can switch that to buttons if necessary. I’m not really sure how many people use that feature. I don’t need the about mama and dada because I can do that on the about page.

Navigation/menu bar titles (about, birth story, etc.): 
Not really sure if I want to keep the baby bests and product reviews. Not sure if those even get read.